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Merrion Square Innovation Network | National Concert Hall, Dec 5th 2011
Merrion Square Innovation Network, National Concert Hall, thirtythreetrees

Jimi Shields participated in the final conceptual presentations, made to an invited audience of Merrion Square stakeholders at the National Concert Hall Dublin, on December 5th, 2011. Among the many concepts Shields brought to the Merrion Square Innovation Network, was the Identical Foregrounds concept, (below), a proposed installation in Merrion Square Park.

Identical Foregrounds: Shields applied the concept of Identical Foregrounds, to Shared Moments, a project Cathal Curtin, was working on whereby 2 x screens in different public locations are connected for 24 hour access Skype-like communication, at a scale of 1:1. Curtin was tutored by Shields for his thesis in architecture.