Thirtythreetrees Ltd.
77 Merrion Square
Dublin 2
D02 DH22
T +353 (0)1 507 9161
TTT News | December 2023
01. Sorrento Cottage: Planning Permission Granted. Landscape by TTT
02. Blackpitts Mosque: Planning Permission Granted. Landscape, Sahn & Riwaq ground plane by TTT
03. Rutland Street School: Sod turning event took place for landmark north east inner city community project
04. Open House Dublin: Three projects featuring work by TTT included in OHD 2023
05. Dublin Port: 3FM Projects ongoing; More information soon
06. Becketts Hotel: TTT appointed for landscape design at the birthplace of Samuel Beckett's mother, Maria
07. Private Gardens: Renovation of Victorian Dublin estate issued for Tender
08. EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture, Mies van der Rohe Award: Nomination 2024, Bottleworks
09. No. 61: TTT homelab, at practical completion
(Image by JFOC)